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SEC Charges JAG Capital Advisors and Founder Joshua Goltry with Investor Fraud

In a significant enforcement action, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced charges against Joshua Goltry and his investment management firm, JAG Capital Advisors LLC (JAG Advisors), for a scheme that defrauded investors of at least $3 million over a three-year period.

Overview of the Case

According to the SEC’s complaint, between 2020 and 2023, Goltry, founder and Chief Investment Officer of JAG Cap, LLC, and JAG Advisors, engaged in a fraudulent scheme to mislead investors regarding the performance, investment activities, and risks associated with their purported equity fund. Goltry and his firm managed to raise at least $3 million from approximately nine investors by providing false information and assurances.

The complaint details that of the $3 million raised, Goltry and JAG Advisors diverted at least $1.1 million for personal use, including expenditures on travel and jewelry. Furthermore, more than $1.7 million was lost due to high-risk trading and speculative investments. To cover up these losses, Goltry and his firm allegedly falsified documents, including expense invoices, to deceive investors about the fund’s financial health.

SEC’s Response

Nicholas P. Grippo, Regional Director of the SEC’s Philadelphia Regional Office, emphasized the gravity of the allegations, stating, “Goltry and JAG Advisors repeatedly lied to investors to lure them into investing in the JAG Fund and then lost their money or stole it to pay for lavish personal expenses. We will continue to diligently hold accountable those who exploit investors’ trust for personal gain.”

The SEC’s complaint charges Goltry and JAG Advisors with violations of antifraud provisions of federal securities laws. Both parties have agreed to settle the charges, subject to court approval. The settlement includes a permanent injunction against future violations of the charged provisions and leaves the determination of disgorgement, prejudgment interest, and civil penalties to the court.

Parallel Criminal Charges

In a related development, the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey has announced criminal charges against Goltry, highlighting the serious nature of his actions and the commitment of federal authorities to pursue both civil and criminal penalties in cases of financial fraud.

SEC Investigation and Litigation

The SEC’s investigation was conducted by Suzanne C. Abt and Michael Cuff, under the supervision of Julia C. Green, Scott A. Thompson, and Nicholas P. Grippo from the Philadelphia Regional Office. The litigation will be led by Judson T. Mihok, supervised by Gregory R. Bockin.


This case underscores the SEC’s ongoing commitment to protecting investors from fraudulent schemes and holding perpetrators accountable. Investors are encouraged to perform due diligence and remain vigilant about the integrity of investment opportunities.

For further information, you can access the full SEC press release here.

Gayatri Gupta